Programs > Egypt

Women Empowerment Initiative

100 women from distressed communities


An organization that addresses the target audience: Women

An EdTech female focused platform that empowers women economically and fosters inclusive workplaces​.


Proven Track of record with multiple market players

Carerha have a proven track record with multiple companies in different industries, sizes, all targeting women empowerment.


Introducing niche labor segment to the job market in Egypt


Offering a learning path that leads to employment

Carerha has a solution to employ targeted women based on an upskilling program that includes: career coaching, business English, interviewing skills, freelancing technical skills.


Connecting graduates with the market

Carerha holds an annual career summit where employers of different sectors get to target women after being upskilled. Earlier in the program, learners have their 1:1 mentorship session with inspiring women with rounded experience in their fields.