Our team

Our voices of #CXforGood

Olivier Camino

Founder & President

“Foundever.org embodies our commitment to enhancing education and training programs that have been running parallel to our day-to-day work at Foundever for many years.

Our goal is to help individuals become part of a sustainable workforce, enabling them to create a better future for themselves.”

Najet Tenoutit

Managing director

“Foundever.org is not intended to replicate a typical corporate foundation focused on business as usual. Rather, our goal is to emulate Foundever™, a company of doers, by becoming an operating partner and co-creator of programs in the areas of education, training, and technology.”

Ana Moran

VP Talent acquisition

“As a purpose-driven individual, being able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of frontline employees not only makes my work more fulfilling but also brings value to my life.

Our business is driven by frontline associates that deliver on core services. Foundever investing in meaningful upskilling programs to support society and employability gives me pride in the organization that I get to serve every day.”

Yolanda Tapia

Sr. HR manager, Costa Rica

“It has always been important looking for ways to help others, to create positive impact. I have been very fortunate in my life and in my career by taking advantage of the opportunities to grow and develop my abilities, so giveback fills my life purpose while I continue learning new skills. Envisioning a better future, a better world is not a bold vision is a goal that makes me move forward”

Nita Morgan

Country manager, South Africa

“Like so many others, joined our industry after leaving school with no hope for a better future. My life changed after a conversation with a manager that saw potential in me where I saw none.

This led me to an amazing career in an industry that is changing lives both globally and in my home city of Cape Town. Today, as the leader for our South Africa team, I am fully dedicated to help as many people as possible identify their unique talents and kick-start a rewarding and life changing career through education and awareness.”

Willy Lim

VP Talent acquisition, Philippines

“I always believed that everyone can contribute to creating a positive change in the world. If you want the world to change it starts by doing something.

Giving back to the community is something that I am very proud of. Through Foundever.org I can give back to the country that ahs given me so much opportunity to grow and succeed by creating opportunities for other people that was not fortunate enough to be given a chance to succeed in life.”

Shorouk Rabei

Learning & development manager, Egypt

“It’s no coincidence when you finally crystalize your life’s purpose statement as ‘leaving an influencing legacy’ and then take on a social impact program where you work.

I am so fortunate that my personal and professional statements are in tune. Thanks to Foundever’s Foundation for engaging me in such a valuable mission. I am honored and humble.”

Adriana Wells

HR manager, Brazil

“Being involved in a social impact program for refugees is personally meaningful, as it allows me to contribute and make a difference in the community.

It provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment, knowing that our efforts as a company contribute to the well-being of others, to the betterment of society and to an extremely positive environment, a diverse atmosphere and an inclusive culture.”